Guest Artists: Natalia Garcia de Leaniz and Daniel Torres of Madrid Spain

Natalia Garcia de Leaniz

Natalia Garcia de Leaniz

Natalia Garcia de Leaniz has been working with polymer clay since 2000. She loves the versatility of polymer because it allows her to play with textures, effects and colors. Natalia’s work is primarily jewellery often combined with silver. Her intent is to create jewelry that reflects the joy she feels as she works with polymer clay.

Natalia is deeply interested in the development of polymer clay as an art medium leading to the founding of A.P.E. (National Polymer Clay Association of Spain). The A.P.E. now numbers over 200 members. Currently, Natalia works as a full-time artist. She continues to promote polymer clay by organizing seminars and teaching classes in Spain, UK, Cyprus, France and USA.

Natalia’s work can be seen in many books and magazines. Cynthia Tinapple includes Natalia’s work in her latest book, Polymer Clay Global Perspectives: Emerging Ideas and Techniques from 125 International Artists, available on July 30, 2013.


Daniel Torres

Daniel is a curious engineer who instills creativity and skill into his polymer clay creations. He considers polymer clay the most versatile media in which artists can express their creativity. He experiments by absorbing and re-interpreting existing art techniques then reworking them to deliver new skills and standards for the polymer clay community and other artists to follow and to craft to fit their needs. A particularly interesting subject for Daniel is hollow forms where he uses polymer clay’s unique capabilities to balance lightness and structural robustness. With the hollow form he has discovered endless possibilities for inspiration and design.

Taught and inspired every day by the most important polymer clay artists and leaders in the world, Daniel follows in the footsteps of many wonderful clay artists, Donna Kato, Natalia Garcia de Leaniz and so, so many others who he thanks from the bottom of his heart. Daniel has taught at Donna Kato’s Clay Carnival and CraftArtEdu, Helen Cox’s Polymer Play Days and Ismar Gil’s academy in Madrid.

Clayathon 2014

Clayathon 2014 will be at the beautiful Stocktown Seaview Hotel and Golf Club in Galloway, New Jersey. The dates are Friday, February 14 until Wednesday, February 19.  Special room rates will be available.  More news to come.